Sunday, February 24, 2008

Revising Solar Power rough draft

One of the recurring themes is the economic viability of solar power in the current market place. This is one of the main points of the paper since it is also the topic. Another recurring topic compares solar panels to wind power, since wind power is the other popular form of “green” energy. I was surprised with the theme of wind power because when I had started writing my paper I did not think about it. I should probably go into the pros and cons of wind power and how it affects the economic viability of solar power and then compare and contrast the two. There is little personal information in this essay mainly because I have not really dealt with using solar power. That being said I have done research for classes in high school and I have friends whose houses run off solar power.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I did have to narrow down my topic to find relevant information. Solar energy is such a broad topic that finding information that pertains to a specific aspect of it makes it hard to find the information that you want. The best advice that I can give to other people using these web resources is to start with a very specific topic and become more broad if you do not find enough information.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I am going to write about solar power. Solar power is not a new technology, but is becoming increasingly popular with the “green” movement, and people’s growing concern with global warming. The scientific facts behind solar energy, and its positive and negative impacts on society, make it a promising topic. The politics involved with global warming though will affect what I find out about solar power. This topic raises a lot of questions, most importantly why isn’t solar power more widely used?
I want to research this topic because I find alternate energy to be an interesting field of science. I find it interesting mainly because of how innovative it is, and it looks at problem from a very different perspective. Also it is the “way of the future,” so it is important to know as much about it as possible.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Based on what the comments made by my reviewers, I plan to a few revisions. First I plan to clarify my essay so that it is clear what I am going to write about, especially at the end of the first paragraph. Both reviewers said that the end of the first paragraph was unclear so I will pay particular attention to that part of my paper. Secondly I will try to show more about where I am fishing so the reader has a better idea of the setting, so they can better visualize the whole story. Finally I need to make sure that my paper doesn’t jump from the past tense to the present tense and if it does, make sure that reader does not lose their sense of time.